Source code for yapw.types

import sys
from import Callable
from typing import Any, Generic, NamedTuple, TypedDict, TypeVar

import pika

T = TypeVar("T")
Encode = Callable[[Any, str], bytes]
Decode = Callable[[bytes, str | None], Any]

if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):

    class State(NamedTuple, Generic[T]):
        Attributes that can be used safely in consumer callbacks.

        #: A function to format the routing key.
        format_routing_key: Callable[[str], str]
        #: A function to shut down the client.
        interrupt: Callable[[T], None]
        #: The connection.
        connection: T
        #: The exchange name.
        exchange: str
        #: The message bodies' encoder.
        encode: Encode
        #: The messages' content type.
        content_type: str
        #: The messages' delivery mode.
        delivery_mode: int


[docs] class State(NamedTuple): """ Attributes that can be used safely in consumer callbacks. """ #: A function to format the routing key. format_routing_key: Callable[[str], str] #: A function to shut down the client. interrupt: Callable[[T], None] #: The connection. connection: T #: The exchange name. exchange: str #: The message bodies' encoder. encode: Encode #: The messages' content type. content_type: str #: The messages' delivery mode. delivery_mode: int
[docs] class PublishKeywords(TypedDict, total=False): """ Keyword arguments for ``basic_publish``. """ #: The exchange to publish to. exchange: str #: The message's routing key. routing_key: str #: The message's body. body: bytes #: The message's content type and delivery mode. properties: pika.BasicProperties
ConsumerCallback = Callable[ [State[Any],, pika.spec.Basic.Deliver, pika.BasicProperties, Any], None, ] Decorator = Callable[ [Decode, ConsumerCallback, State[Any],, pika.spec.Basic.Deliver, pika.BasicProperties, bytes], None, ]